Cancer Blogs | Apollo Cancer Centres
Apollo Cancer Centers Blog


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Cancer – A Lifestyle Disease: Causes, Preventive Actions, and Risk Reduction

   |    Jun 16, 2023

Cancer, often referred to as a lifestyle disease, is influenced by various factors, with lifestyle choices playing a prominent role in its development. While genetics and other elements contribute, lifestyle factors have been identifi.

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In the Embrace of Friendship: A Symphony of Courage, Hope, and Healing

   |    May 30, 2023

For weeks, our lives were consumed by worry and sleepless nights. Our two-year-old son, Kabir, was plagued by an unrelenting fever, and despite our best efforts, it showed no signs of subsiding. We felt utterly helpless as the prescri.

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India’s largest Bone Marrow Transplant program at Apollo Cancer Centres

   |    May 25, 2023

As parents, we eagerly anticipate the arrival of our newborns and spend countless nights dreaming about their future. We invest all our love and energy into ensuring their growth and well-being, and the mere thought of their pain and .

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Early Detection of Esophageal Cancer and the Importance of Screening and Testing

   |    May 18, 2023

Oesophageal Cancer – Overview Oesophagal cancer occurs when cells in the oesophagus begin to multiply, eventually creating a tumour. Oesophagus is the long, hollow, muscular tube that connects your throat to your stomach. It he.

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Recent Blogs

Grid Therapy Lattice Therapy

Endoscopic Transcanal Excision – A Breakthrough Treatment for Facial Nerve Schwannoma.

Dr Shankar Vangipuram |Nov 25, 2022

Schwannomas are benign tumours that develop in the Schwann cells, which are the protective covering for the n.

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Grid Therapy Lattice Therapy

Do You Need Chemotherapy For Stage 2 Breast Cancer?

Dr Shankar Vangipuram |May 28, 2022

Breast Cancer is a disease in which the breast cells multiply uncontrollably. Breast cancer comes in a variet.

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Grid Therapy Lattice Therapy

Thyroid Cancer: Is Surgery the Only Solution?

Dr Shankar Vangipuram |May 24, 2022

Thyroid cancer is cancer that starts in the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is located in the front of your .

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