Apollo Cancer Centers Blog


Breast Cancer

Food, or what we consume on a daily basis, is at the core of defining our holistic wellness. It is our food that can help us lead a healthy, balanced, quality life. At the same time, certain food items, their consumption pattern, and other nutritional aspects may raise our risk of developing critical health concerns such as diabetes, cholesterol, cardiovascular diseases, and cancers too.

Compared to other health concerns, cancer, so far, has been deemed as non-curable. Despite advancements in the medical and diagnostic realms, the ultimate cure for cancer is yet to be fetched. So, how can you prevent the risk? How can you keep yourself and your loved ones safe?

In this article, we are going to discuss the 13 superfoods, foods that prevent cancer

Intrigued? Let’s get started.

Superfood #1 – Broccoli

Broccoli, commonly referred to as the mush-green cauliflower, makes it to the list of superfoods that can help you and your loved ones reduce the risk of cancer. You sure would be knowing Broccoli as a healthy vegetable but effective for cancer may seem a bit surprising.

Here’s what you need to know about this anti-cancer food. It contains a plant compound sulforaphane that is commonly found in cruciferous veggies, which is known to have potent anti-cancer attributes. As per a PubMed study, sulforaphane could reduce the number of breast cancer cells by up to 75%. It is deemed effective in the case of prostate, colorectal and other cancer variants too. Though the direct benefits of Broccoli in an anti-cancer regimen are yet to be scientifically proven, it won’t hurt to include this cruciferous delight a couple of times in your weekly food schedule.

Superfood #2 – Tomatoes

What makes you make tomatoes a part of your dietary ingredient? Its rich red colour, its mild-sour taste, its freshness? Well, these cherry-red beauties can even help you lower the risk of developing cancer. Intriguing? Tomatoes come rich in the compound Lycopene, which is ultimately responsible for its attractive red colour and its anti-cancer properties.

Several studies have highlighted tomato as one of the potent cancer-preventing foods and Lycopene’s anti-cancer properties, especially reducing the risk of developing prostate cancer. Since prostate cancer is known to affect men of progressive ages, including tomatoes on the daily platter, can prove beneficial.

Superfood #3 – Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits, who does not adore them? Well, you would be glad to know that consuming lemon, limes, oranges, and other citrus fruits can help you keep your cancer risks in control. Studies back this fact up and cite that in several cases, citrus fruit consumption has been linked to reducing the risk of developing upper respiratory, digestive tract, and pancreatic cancers.

Besides, citrus fruits, foods to prevent cancer, are powerhouses of antioxidants and anti-ageing attributes and are even a healthier choice for everyday life. So, if you have been consuming citrus fruits aplenty, well done! If not, now, you have got the lucrative reason why you should get started!

Superfood #4 – Berries

Berries are known to be rich in anthocyanins, the plant pigments that enable berries with antioxidant and potent anti-cancerous properties. Studies even have shown berries to be effective in reducing cancer growth, its volume, and inhibiting biomarkers for cancer.

Superfood #5 – Beans

Beans might already have been a part of your diet plan. This fibre-rich, green vegetable is known to be effective in preventing/managing colorectal cancer. Beans, one of the anti-cancer foods consumed, whether in raw, semi-cooked or cooked versions, are known to keep you and your loved ones safe from cancer recurrences, further cancer growth, etc.

Superfood #6 – Carrots

Carrots are good for vision health. This is a fact that most of us are aware of. It is considered effective for a host of cancer variants, too, by reducing the risk of developing the same. This anti-cancer food can substantially reduce the risk of developing stomach cancer and prostate and lung cancer substantially. So, be it the brunch, evening snack or supper salad, now you know what is a must to be on the platter.

Superfood #7 – Nuts

Are nuts a constant across your breakfast, evening snacks, and midnight delights? Now, you have one more reason to keep the healthy habit going. A PubMed study highlights that walnuts were associated with a decreased growth rate of breast cancer cells and reduced the risk of developing colorectal, pancreatic, and endometrial cancers.

Superfood #8 – Olive Oil

You must have come across stacks of olive oil in the supermarkets. Now, make sure you buy them during your next grocery run. In addition to its numerous health benefits, the consumption of olive oil can protect you and your loved ones from developing breast, digestive system, and colorectal cancer.

Superfood #9 – Turmeric

This magical Indian spice has been ruling the kitchen counters across the globe for decades, and rightfully so. Curcumin, the key compound in turmeric, is known to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory as well as anti-cancer properties. It is deemed as one of the potent cancer-fighting foods and effective in preventing cancer growth and even eliminating cancer cells in certain cancer variants. Make sure this superfood is part of your routine diet plan.

Superfood #10 – Flaxseed

Flaxseeds are known to be rich in fibre and heart-healthy fat content. And these are even considered beneficial in preventing cancer growth and eliminating existing cancerous developments in certain cases, especially colorectal cancer.

Superfood #11 – Garlic

Multiple test-tube studies have reinstated the benefits of the allicin compound in garlic to kill cancer cells. A regular intake of garlic can help you, and your loved ones keep certain types of cancers at bay.

Superfood #12 – Fatty Fish

Fatty fishes are rich in Vitamin D and Omega 3 fatty acids. These have been linked to a reduced risk of the digestive tract and colorectal cancer.

Superfood #13 – Cinnamon

You must be aware of the blood sugar reducing and inflammation-easing capabilities of cinnamon. Several studies cite cinnamon to be effective in restricting the growth of cancer cells and even eliminating them.

Wrapping Up

Your food intake, its nutritional quotient, and a healthy balance can make or break your health and wellness. Keep your loved ones secure from the risk of cancer by including the above-mentioned superfoods in your daily diet plan.

Apollo Cancer Centre is your go-to destination for cancer-related diagnosis and treatment. We are just a consultation away!


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