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    Apollo Hospitals Logo I am Mr. Anand Murthy; I had a wound in my leg which was non healing from 2 years. I also have mild varicose veins. Every doctor I met suggested crepe bandage or stockings. But ulcer did not heal. Dr. Shashidhar suggested laser for my varicose veins along with 4 layer dressings. Since the procedure is very simple and without complications I accepted for the procedure. The ulcer healed in 3 weeks following the laser.Now after 2 years my leg does not have an ulcer. Thanks to Dr. Shashidhar and I recommend him for varicose veins treatment.

    Mr. Anand Murthy

    Apollo Hospitals Logo I am a 56 year old male living in Bangalore. My Symptoms started about 2 years back when I noticed brief burning pain when I used to walk. Sitting down about 10 minutes the pain would go away.This continued each time I would do physical activity. I visited a neurosurgeonhe said this is because of my back problem. I was advised exercises and some medications. After 3 months of treatment my problem worsened and I have severe pain in my leg. I then contacted my personal doctor who referred me to vascular surgeon. I met Dr. Shashidhar K P at Apollo hospital.Upon examination he immediately said it is because of block in my blood vessel and I don’t have pulse in my right leg. I underwent angiogram the next day and he opened the block by stenting 15 cms blocked blood vessel. The next day the pain was not there. It was an immediate relief. I was told it is because of smoking, if I do not quit smoking the vessel will get blocked again. It has been about 6 weeks now and so far I have maintained 100% circulation once again in this leg. I thank Dr. Shashidhar and his team in Apollo hospital for immediately recognizing the problem and treating me.

    I am a 56 year old male living in Bangalore.


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