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    Leg Vessels Angioplasty for Gangrene and Ulcers
    Institutes of Vascular Surgery - Apollo Hospital

    Leg Vessels Angioplasty For Gangrene And Ulcers Treatments in Bangalore

    Gangrene and ulcers are common conditions that may occur in individuals with diabetes. Gangrene is a condition caused by the death of body tissue resulting from a lack of blood flow or a severe bacterial infection, while an ulcer is a sore that develops due to an injury or a minor skin breakout. These breakouts allow air and bacteria to enter the skin tissue, leading to complications in blood flow.

    Doctors recommend undergoing a leg vessel angioplasty procedure to treat gangrene and ulcers.

    What is Leg Vessels Angioplasty?

    A leg vessel angioplasty is a procedure designed to open narrowed or blocked arteries. It is performed to address medical conditions related to blood flow, including ulcers and gangrene. The objective of this procedure is to enhance blood circulation in the legs and expand the space within a vessel. By doing so, it facilitates a greater flow of blood through vessels that have been obstructed or narrowed due to ulcers and gangrene.

    What Happens Before the Leg Vessels Angioplasty Surgery?

    Before undergoing the procedure, you will have a consultation with the doctor, during which they will discuss your medical history, current lifestyle, and other relevant factors. They will also provide instructions regarding when to cease eating and drinking prior to the surgery. Additionally, they will request that you discontinue the use of blood thinners, herbal medicines, or any other supplements you may be taking. During this phase, the doctor will explain the procedure in detail and inform you about the associated risks.

    Upon arrival at the hospital, an intravenous (IV) line will be inserted into your arm or hand. This is done to prevent blood clots from forming in the body.

    What Happens During Leg Vessels Angioplasty?

    The procedure takes about 45 minutes, which is similar to coronary angioplasty. However, the doctors may insert a catheter through the skin into your blood vessels. The team of doctors at Apollo Hospitals in the operation theater will consist of a radiologist, a surgeon, and a heart specialist. You will be given anesthesia so that you won’t feel the catheter entering your body. The doctors use X-rays to guide their actions. A dye is injected through the catheter to visualize the inside of your body.

    Once they reach the affected blood vessel, they insert another catheter with an attached wire and balloon. After inserting the balloon, they inflate it to remove any plaque or dead tissue that may have accumulated in the vessels. This clears the way for proper blood flow. Subsequently, a stent is inserted to keep your artery in place and prevent future complications. Finally, an angiogram test is used by your doctor to assess the difference between the current and previous conditions.

    What Happens After the Leg Vessels Angioplasty?

    After the blood vessel is cleared, the doctor will remove the catheter and apply a bandage to cover the area and protect it from infection. You may experience some soreness and bruising in the affected region. Additionally, you may be kept in the hospital for 24-48 hours for close monitoring.


    The success rate of the procedure is quite high. On the day of your discharge, your doctor will inform you about the required medications and their schedule. They will also provide advice on post-procedure activity levels. Once you return home, it is essential to prioritize rest. Here are a few necessary steps to follow after the procedure:

    • Monitor your diabetes regularly.
    • Stay adequately hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
    • Cease smoking altogether.
    • Resume physical activity as recommended by your doctors.
    • Maintain a healthy weight.
    • Follow a well-balanced diet.
    • Consult your doctor regarding the resumption of diabetic medications (if applicable) after the procedure.
    • You may be prescribed blood thinners.
    • Refrain from driving for one week following the angioplasty.

    Furthermore, it is crucial to schedule a follow-up visit with your healthcare provider to ensure that there are no complications arising from the surgery or the treated area.

    What are the Complications of Leg Vessels Angioplasty for Gangrene and Ulcers?

    Angioplasty does not involve a major incision; therefore, it can usually be performed safely. However, like any other medical procedure, angioplasty of the leg vessels can have certain complications, such as:

    • Reaction to the dye
    • Abnormal heart rhythm (Arrhythmia)
    • Stroke
    • Heart attack
    • Blood clot
    • Bleeding
    Treatment at Apollo Hospitals, Karnataka

    Angioplasty helps improve blood flow through blocked vessels in the leg, which can be caused by ulcers and gangrene. After the surgery, you will start to notice a reduction in pain and increased mobility in your legs. However, undergoing leg vessel angioplasty alone does not guarantee good health. To maintain overall well-being, it is essential to monitor your health and address any underlying medical conditions, such as diabetes, which is one of the main causes of gangrene and ulcers. At Apollo Hospital in Karnataka, our doctors will provide guidance and recommendations regarding post-surgery dos and don’ts, ensuring a speedy recovery. Moreover, our dedicated team will provide you with exceptional care in the event of any complications.

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