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    Paediatric Brain Tumours
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    Paediatric Brain Tumours Treatment in Bangalore

    Paediatric Brain Tumours refer to masses or overgrowth of abnormal cells (tumours) inside the brain of the patient. It is the most common type of solid tumour that affects young children and adolescents. Approximately, over 5000 children are diagnosed with this condition every year.

    Paediatric Brain Tumours can be classified into two categories – non-cancerous tumours (benign) and cancerous tumours (malignant). The benign, or the non-cancerous tumours, don’t contain any cancer cells and do not recur once removed. This type of Paediatric Brain Tumours usually has well-defined borders and does not spread into the surrounding tissue, making it easier to remove.

    On the other side, malignant tumours do contain cancer cells and can spread to the surrounding regions of the body. It is not only difficult to remove but can also recur after the surgery. Depending on its location within the brain, how much it has spread, and the age of the patient, Paediatric Brain Tumours can cause significant long-term impairment in neurological functions.

     What Causes Paediatric Brain Tumours?

    In most children, the exact cause of Paediatric Brain Tumours is unknown. The majority of cases of brain tumours have cells with abnormalities (mutations) in their DNA. These mutations usually affect the cell cycle control, causing the cells to grow and divide at an increased rate and continue living when a healthy cell should have died. This leads to a mass of abnormal cells, which form a tumour.

    Patients suffering from certain genetic conditions, such as Neurofibromatosis, von Hippel-Lindau disease, Li-Fraumeni syndrome, and Retinoblastoma, are also at an increased risk of developing a brain tumour.

    What are the Symptoms of a Paediatric Brain Tumour?

    Depending on the type, location, and spread of the tumour, symptoms of Paediatric Brain Tumours in children can vary widely. Most symptoms are related to the increased pressure in the skull area by the extra tumour tissues. Thus, the location of the tumour tissue impacts the noticeable symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms of a Paediatric Brain Tumour include-

    1. Severe headaches
    2. Unexplained Nausea and vomiting, especially in the morning
    3. Change in Personality like feeling Irritability, Drowsiness, and Depression
    4. Confusion and Impaired judgement
    5. Increased Intracranial Pressure (ICP)
    6. Seizures and Endocrine problems (diabetes and/or hormone regulation)
    7. Visual changes or double vision
    8. If the tumour is in the cerebrum (front of the brain), then the patient may suffer from
      • Short-term memory loss
      • Slurred speech
      • A fuller soft spot (fontanel) can be felt in babies.

    Brain tumours in the brainstem (base of the brain) can cause –

    • Clumsy, uncoordinated walk
    • Hearing loss

    These symptoms may resemble some other medical conditions. Thus, it is necessary to consult with your healthcare provider.

    Treatment for the Paediatric Brain Tumours

    The treatment plan for brain tumours is determined after taking a number of factors into consideration. Some of those factors are –

    • The child’s age, overall health, and previous medical history
    • The type, location, and extent of spread of the tumour
    • The tolerance level of the child
    • Opinion or preference of the parents or the guardian.

    At Apollo Hospitals, Karnataka, we take these factors into account before determining the treatment plan for the child. The treatment plan for Paediatric Brain Tumours may include one or more of the following approaches –


    Most primary brain tumours in babies and children require surgical removal of the tumour cells. The primary goal of the surgery is to remove as much of the tumour as possible while maintaining the neurological functions of the child. It is done to relieve the intracranial pressure caused by the tumour tissues. For non-cancerous, slow-growing tumours, surgery may be the only treatment required. However, the child may experience some temporary neurological deficits and lose motor skills right after the surgery. With some proper follow-up care, this goes away quickly.

    • Radiation Therapy

    In this therapy, beams of high-energy radiation are focused on the tumour tissue. This radiation is helpful in destroying the tumour cells that are hard to remove via surgery. However, this treatment carries its own risk. That’s why it is used very cautiously on infants and children.


    In chemotherapy, various types of medication are used to kill the tumour-causing cells and tissues. These medications can be administered orally, intravenously, or directly into the cavity left after the surgical removal of the brain tumour.

    • Other Alternatives

    Antibiotics, Steroids, and Anti-seizure medication may also be prescribed to deal with Paediatric Brain Tumours.

    Prevention of Paediatric Brain Tumours

    Unfortunately, there are no known ways to prevent Paediatric Brain Tumours, given the complex nature of this medical condition. However, certain measures may help in reducing the risk of developing this tumour, which includes – minimising exposure to radiation, ensuring a healthy lifestyle, and addressing any genetic or familial risk factors by consulting with your healthcare provider.

    Why Apollo Hospitals?

    Paediatric Brain Tumours are a challenging condition that affects young children and infants. To treat this condition, specialised care and expertise are required. At Apollo Hospitals, Karnataka, we are committed to providing comprehensive treatment for patients facing this diagnosis. Our highly qualified doctors and medical staff are backed by world-class facilities and cutting-edge medical technology to produce the best results.

    Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.

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