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A team Of doctors At Apollo Cancer Centre, Chennai, have successfully operated on an Insular Brain Tumor Through a Transformative Keyhole Approach.

Posted by Apollo Hospitals | 21 May,2024

In a medical feat akin to landing on the moon’s unexplored terrain, a team of neurosurgeons at Apollo Cancer Centres (ACCs), Chennai, India, were able to achieve what was once thought impossible – aaccessing and removing a deeply seated insular brain tumor through a transformative and a novel eyebrow keyhole approach. This unprecedented technique, being the world’s first, marks an important advancement in the field of Neuro Oncology. It provides not only another alternative to remove these deep seated brain tumors but it also demonstrates clinical excellence, efficiency and safety.

Dr. Preetha Reddy, Executive Vice Chairperson, Apollo Hospitals Enterprises Ltd, asserted, ” At Apollo Cancer Centres, our unwavering dedication to innovation has once again propelled Indian medical science onto the global stage. The recent milestone of performing the world’s first transformative keyhole approach for Insular Brain Tumour is not merely a victory for our doctors, patients, or hospital alone; it is a triumph for our entire nation. This remarkable achievement vividly showcases India’s ability to pioneer ground-breaking medical advancements with the potential to reshape healthcare worldwide. It stands as a testament to the exceptional medical talent within our borders, inspiring us to continually innovate, explore, and evolve in the field of healthcare.”

Read more about the transformative and novel eyebrow keyhole surgery performed at Apollo Cancer Centre, Chennai.

Insular brain tumour

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Posted by:Apollo Hospitals
21 May,2024
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