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Being Breast Cancer Awareness

October 29, 2021

Breast Cancer Awareness

Dr Anagha Zope Senior Breast Oncoplastic Surgeon

It’s important to be breast aware and check your breasts for changes on a regular basis. This will allow you to find any abnormalities in your breasts early. Your doctor should be consulted as soon as possible if you notice any unexpected changes in your breasts. Knowing your breasts and being aware of what changes are normal for you is what breast awareness is all about. You can get to know your breasts by looking at and checking them on a regular basis in whichever way suits you best. It is important to regularly examine both your breasts and armpits for any new changes. It’s important to feel all regions of your breasts, including your nipples and the area in and around your armpits.

The five-point code for breast cancer awareness:

  • Know what is normal for you
  • Know what changes to look and feel for
  • Look and feel your breasts regularly
  • Report any changes to your doctor immediately
  • Attend breast screening from the age of 40

If you’re over 40

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