Doctor's Search

A journey of overcoming insurmountable obstacles

August 22, 2019

Not a winner, but a fighter

The battle lines are clearly marked in the ECG lines. It’s either do or die. Combating cancer is no different from fighting a war. That day in Nov.’17 changed my entire world. My perception of life, relationship and people around me transformed forever. It was the day when I was diagnosed with Moderately Differentiated Adenocarcinoma of Sigmoid Colon – Stage 3.

I went for a diagnosis at a local hospital in Uganda and started my treatment. Things were not working out well. So I flew to India and started taking treatment at some hospital there.I underwent surgery followed by 8 cycles of chemotherapy.

Even this treatment didn’t work out. My whole world came crashing. I thought I would die. All the dreams of raising my kids well and aspirations of life were shattered. But my fight was on.


Cancer isn’t another word for death, but synonym for hope.

In Nov.’2018, things got worse and I developed the complaint of bleeding per rectum with continuous severe pain. My family was devastated. They felt helpless and watched me suffer the pain of cancer, which is the most unbearable, if you ask me. We all were stressed and constantly worried what the future would hold for us. The battle wasn’t just about cancer, but also about the emotions.

This time, cancer won and I lost a point – The bleeding just didn’t stop and my case went from bad to worse. I had lost all my hopes of living. There were moments when I would begin to cry all of a sudden and then sit in complete silence for hours. I was becoming weaker by each day and my condition seemed to get worse.This was the time when I stepped into Apollo CBCC Cancer Care. The doctors diagnosed me with Stage 4 cancer. They informed me about it, encouraged me and gave me the strength to keep the fight on and not to give up. They said my cancer can be treated and elaborated on the treatment plan and how they plan to go ahead with it. Things started looking up, and I was hopeful that there’s a light at end of the tunnel.

A glimmer of hope called Apollo CBCC

Some relationships blossom in the most unexpected places. It was here at Apollo CBCC that I met Emily, who was also from my country and was fighting cancer, just like me. We started sharing a good bonding. Whenever anyone of us felt low, we motivated each other to keep going resiliently.

My treatment had started. As planned by the doctors, I underwent an extensive cytoreductive surgery which lasted for 10-11 hours. After this surgery, as part of the treatment I was planned for 12 cycles of advanced chemotherapy for 6 months. The doctors advised me to take the chemotherapy cycles at Uganda. It was indeed quite compassionate of Apollo CBCC to let me take the chemotherapies at my hometown, where my family was there for me as emotional support.

After completing 6 cycles, I was due for a review in April 2019 at Apollo CBCC. I was concerned about the results and wondered if I would ever be cured.


Apollo CBCC is and will always remain a lifelong guide for cancer patients

Finally, the day of review arrived onApril 2019. My head was full of questions about what the future had in store for me. I came to Apollo CBCC for the evaluation. I underwent a PET-CT and the reports showed no signs of cancer. However, I was advised to complete my remaining 6 cycles of chemotherapy.

My joys knew no bounds. I hugged everyone around me. It was an overwhelming moment and I cried tears of joy. I had lost all my hopes and the clean report infused a new lease of life in me, thanks to Apollo CBCC, the wonderful team of doctors, my family and friends, who were always there for me.

I give glory to the big God who put in place the right Doctors, my family, especially my dear husband who leads his life with selfless love, integrity and purpose, a strong man that always calmed the storm in me and wiped away my tears. Our children, parents, relatives and dear friends that have reached out to us in these trying moments. I am grateful to each of them.

However, I realized that cancer was one of my broken roads in life that strengthened my faith and great belief in God; regardless of the stage of cancer.

I hope my story inspires every cancer fighter. Take my words, with Apollo CBCC and a positive attitude by your side, you can conquer cancer.

Posted in Blog by Trizone
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