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Dr. Rooma Sinha is a highly respected Obstetrician and Gynaecologist based in Hyderabad, Telangana, with over 25 years of extensive experience in her field. As a female physician, Dr. Sinha is dedicated to women's health and has a focus on modern surgical techniques. She is renowned for pioneering robotic surgery in India since 2012 and is recognized as one of the most experienced robotic surgeons for gynaecological conditions. Dr. Sinha's impressive educational credentials include an MBBS, MD, DNB, FICOG, and MNAMS, demonstrating her commitment to continuous learning and excellence in medicine.
Dr. Sinha is fluent in English, Hindi, and Telugu, allowing her to connect with a wide range of patients across different backgrounds. Her accolades include numerous prestigious awards such as the FIGO Fellowship (2000), the AOFOG Young Gynecologist Award (2002), and the acclaimed Times of India - Legend of the Year in Gynecology (2017). Additionally, she was honored with the Hi9 - Best Laparoscopy & Robotic Surgeon (2018) and recognized as the Naari of the Decade in 2021.
Dr. Sinha's commitment to medical education is evident from her recognition as a Distinguished Clinician and Distinguished Clinical Tutor at Apollo Hospitals in 2021. Her academic excellence is reflected in her earlier achievements, having been the DUX of St Xavier’s School and earning seven distinctions, including a gold medal at Banaras Hindu University.
With her extensive experience, exceptional skills, and compassionate approach to patient care, Dr. Rooma Sinha continues to be a leading figure in the field of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, inspiring both her patients and fellow medical professionals.
- Senior Consultant Gynecologist, Laparoscopic & Robotic Surgeon India’s most Experienced Robotic Surgeon in Gynecology
- Honorary Professor, Apollo Hospital Education and Research Foundation Conjoint Associate Professor, Macquarie University Sydney, Australia Distinguished Clinician, Apollo Hospitals
- Visiting Professor AIIMS Rishikesh Mentor-Endoscopy fellowship (Apollo), Vattikuti Fellowship (Robotic Surgery), FOGSI Endoscopy (Basic & Advance)Apollo Health City, Hyderabad, INDIA
- Distinguished Clinician by Apollo Hospitals in 2021
- “Naari”of the Decade 2021
- Excellence in medicine by FICCI
- Legend in Gynecology as Times Health-Care
- Best Gynecologist Laparoscopic & Robotic Surgeon by Hi9.
- ASRGS-Asian Society of Robotic Gynecological Surgeons
- BSGE British Society of Gynecological Surgeons
- SERGS- Society of European Robotic Gynaecological Surgeons
- AAGL- American Association of Gynecological Laparoscopist
- NESA- New European Surgical Academy
- IUGA- International Urogynecological Association
- FIGO- International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics
- AOFOG Asia & Oceania Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics
- FOGSI- Federation Obstetrics and Gynecological societies of India
- OGSH - Obstetrics and Gynecological Society of Hyderabad.
- IAGE- Indian Association of Gynaecological Endoscopists
- ISOPARB- Indian Society Perinatology And Reproductive Biology.
- IMA - Indian Medical Association.
- IMS- Indian Menopausal Society
- PCOS society of India
- Laparoscopy-University of Rochester, USA
- Urogynecology- Mercy Hospital Melbourne, Australia
- Robotic Surgery- Providence & Henry Ford, Detroit, USA
- Fellowship Phaco+IOL LVPEI
Research and Publication
- Rooma Sinha, G Swarnasree, RupaB, Madhumathi S. Laparoscopic hysterectomy for large uteri: Outcomes and Techniques. JMAS ahead of publication.
- Sinha R, Sanjay M, Bana R, A comparison of Robot- Assisted Laparoscopic myomectomy(RALM) with laparoscopic- Assisted Myomectomy(LAM) Sinha R, Sanjay M, Bana R. J Minim Invasive Gynecol. 2015 Nov-Dec;22(6S):S71. doi: 10.1016/j.jmig.2015.08.190.
- Sinha R et al, Robotic Surgery for Endometriosis- Is it the way forward. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2016, 6, 93-102 Published Online February 2016 in SciRes. http://www.scirp.org/journal/ojog http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ojog.2016.62011
- Sinha R, Madhumati S, Rupa B, Shamita Kumari. Robotic Myomectomy- Tips and Tricks in Robotic Myomectomy, Apollo Medicine; September 2014, Volume 11, Issue 3, 174-178.
- Sinha S, Sinha R. Excision of urethral diverticulumin a 24 year old woman. Indian J Urol 2015;31:75-6.
- Sinha R, Madhumati S, Rupa B, Kumari S. Robotic surgery in gynecology. J Min Access Surg 2015;11:50-9. (review article)
- Sinha R, et al Robotic hysterectomy: A review of indications, technique, outcome, and complications; Apollo Medicine, 12(2015) 91-99.
- Sudha A, Vivekananda N, Sinha R, Bharadwaj N. Acardia fetus: Incidentally discovered placental mass. J Evol Med and Dent Sci, 2013: 22
- Sinha R. Hypertension during pregnancy. Apollo Medicine 2013: 10; 327
- Sinha R. Management of endometriosis. Apollo Medicine 2012: 9; 279
- Sinha R, Manohar S. Editorial. Apollo Medicine 2012: 9; 169-170
- Sinha R, Satyamvada, Rupa B. Management of ovarian masses- clinical situations and recommendations. Apollo Medicine 2012: 10; 270-275
- Sinha S, Sinha R, Sreenivasa Rao S, Srinivas Kumar K. Urethral erosion with recurrent stress incontinence following transobturator tape surgery: Urethral repair with simultaneous pubovaginal sling. Urology J, 2012: 9; 436-8
- Kumar KV, Muthukrishnan J, Sinha R, Modi KD. Two cases describing the effects of hypothyroidism on puberty and growth. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2008: 103; 183-184
- Sinha R. Recurrent UTIs and estrogen replacement, Obstetrics and Gynecology Communications 2000: 2; 47-48.
- Sinha R, Sinha S. Incontinence in girl child-approach to diagnosis and treatment. J Obstet Gynecol Ind 1999: 49; 114-120
- Sinha R. Suction Evacuation in second trimester –Is it feasible & Safe-Asian Journal Of obs & Gyn Practice 2003
- Sinha R. Psychosocial problems in Adolescents. FOGSI FOCUS, 1999.
- Sinha R, Tiwari P. Scar implantation in carcinoma cervix. Singapore J Obstet Gynecol 1993; 24: 130-131.
- Sinha R. Chronic pelvic pain caused by ovaries and ovarian remnants. British J Obstet Gynaecol 1995; 102: 935-938.
- Khanna A, Sinha R, Kumar M. Struma Ovarii- a case report. Ind J of Surgery, 1994; 56: 270-271.
- Robotic Myomectomy- Principles & Technique- A practical approach to Robotic Surgery Editor- AjitSaxenaJaypee brothers
- Robotic Surgery in Endometriosis- Is the Game Changer?-Editor Prof LeiosileMettler, in publication
- Sinha S, Sinha R. Choice of surgery for stress urinary incontinence. In: Trivedi P, Rane A (eds). Understanding female urinary incontinence. FOGSI Publication. Mumbai, 2013,129-136
- Sinha Rooma, Jyothsna B- Optimal route of hysterectomy. Update in obstetrics &gynecocogy2011’ Paras publications
- Sinha R, Pratibha D- Choosing the right contraception. Update In Obstetrics &Gynecocogy 2011’ Paras publications
- Sinha R, Sinha S. Surgical concepts in SUI surgery. Jaypee Brothers publications; 2009
- Presented over 50 papers and given over 75 lectures in various national and international conferences. She has also been a teaching faculty in various operating workshops for laparoscopic, hysteroscopic, Robotic and vaginal surgery.
- Was invited At EmTech INDIA, jointly organized by MIT Technology Review and Hindustan Times- to speak on “Reshaping the Future of surgery”, 2016.
- Robotic Myomectomy- Principles & Technique- A practical approach to Robotic Surgery- Ajit Saxena, Jaypee Brothers, 2016
- Robotic Surgery in Endometriosis- Is the Game Changer?- Leiosile METTLER, Ibraham AKAUTOUL; Endopress Robotic surgery in Gynecology-
- Robotic surgery in Gynecology- UPDATE 2017, Editors-D Pratibha, Rani Reddy; Paras Publication
- Sinha S, Sinha R. Choice of surgery for stress urinary incontinence. In: Trivedi P, Rane A (eds). Understanding female urinary incontinence. FOGSI Publication. Mumbai, 2013, pp 129-136
- Sinha Rooma, Jyothsna B- Optimal route of hysterectomy. UPDATE IN OBSTETRICS & GYNECOCOGY 2011’ Paras publications
- Sinha R, Pratibha D- Choosing the right contraception. UPDATE IN OBSTETRICS & GYNECOCOGY 2011’ Paras publications
- Sinha R, Sinha S. Surgical concepts in SUI surgery. Jaypee Brothers publications; 2009
- Sinha R. The burning vulva syndrome (Vulvodynia): Arun Nagrath, Narendra Malhotra & Singh in Progress in Obstetrics and Gynecology-2. Jaypee Brothers 2004.
- Sinha R. Elective Caesarean Section: Arun Nagrath, Narendra Malhotra & Singh in Progress in Obstetrics and Gynecology-1. Jaypee Brothers 2003.
- The Burning Vulva Syndome (Vulvodynia) : Arun Nagrath, Narendra Malhotra & Singh in Progress in Obstetrics and Gynecology-2. Jaypee Brothers 2004
- Sinha S, Sinha R. Renal Transplantation in women- the Indian context : Tank DK, Saraiya UB, Patel MK, Desai SV, In ‘Frontiers in Obstetrics and Gynecology' 2nd ed, Jaypee Bros, Mumbai, 1999, pp 180-188.
- Sinha S, Sinha R. Incontinence in the girl child- Dignosis and Treatment: Usha B Saraiya & Shyam V Desai in 'Gynecological Urology’. Orient Longman , 2001; 115-127.
- Sinha R. Endometriosis-a continuing enigma: Pandey LK & Pandey S in “Frontiers in Human Reproduction”. First edition, Bhargava Bhusan Press, Varanasi, 1999; 58-63.
- Sinha R. Caesarean Hysterectomy: Dutta DK in “Caesarean Delivery”. Jaypee Brothers 2001. FOGSI Publication.
- Non contraceptive benefits of DMPA: in FOGSI publication of booklet on Injectable contraception, published by Family Welfare committee of FOGSI, 2001
- Hysterectomy for grade 4 Endometriosis- The Robotic advantage, AAGL Reykjavik, Iceland July
- Laparoscopic Hysterectomy for large uterus- Does size matter? FOGSI-FIGO conference August 2017, WON FIRST PRIZE
- Robotic assisted Myomectomy & Laparoscopic Myomectomy- A comparison Study- at Society of Laparoscopic Surgeons (SLS) Boston in September 2016
- Hybrid Myomectomy- A series of 21 cases at Society of Laparoscopic Surgeons (SLS) Boston in September 2016
- Participated in debate “Is Urodynamics essential for prolapse surgery” in IUGA 2015 at Nice, France
- Comparison of laparoscopic Myomectomy with Robotic assisted myomectomy at FOGSI FIGO conference in September 2013
- Influence of pelvic organ prolapse and prior hysterectomy on symptoms in women presenting to a urogynecology clinic at a tertiary care hospital? ?at IUGA annual conference TOROTO 2010
- Outcome of transobturator tapes in SUI due to ISD- IUGA conference at Cancun, Mexico in June 2007.
- “Optimal approach to hysterectomy in Obese women” at AOFOG Seoul, September 2005
- Delivered two lectures on “Rectus Fascia Sling for Incontinence” and “How to choose the route of hysterectomy in DUB” at Asian congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology and infertility at Bangkok, November 2004
- Rectus Fascia Sling for Stress urinary incontinence, AICOG 2004, Agra
- NDVH- Is it always possible? At the North Zone young FOGSI conference at Agra July 2001 and awarded first prize in Indra Nagrath memorial prize section.
- Vaginal Hysterectomy for the Undescended Uterus (NDVH) - Analysis of Factors Predicting Feasibility- presented at FIGO 2000 at Washington, September, 2000.
- ‘Hysteroscopy for abnormal uterine bleeding’ at the AOFOG September 2002.
- Suction evacuation for second trimester- is it feasible and safe? Poster presentation at AICOG 2002, Bhubneshwar.
- Post-menopausal osteoporosis-is Raloxifene the sure and safe answer? At Paschim (west zone young FOGSI Conf) ; Goa Sep 2001.
- 'Post Hysterectomy cystocele-Transvaginal suspension' at IAHR Varanasi, March1999
- ‘Intravaginal estrogens in postmenopausal women with urinary symptoms’ at the 20th All Kerala Conference Of Obstetrics And Gynecology, Cochin, Feb, 1998.
- Grandmultiparity as a high risk pregnancy- a reappraisal’ at the 39th AICOG at Kanpur, 1995.
- Awareness regarding preventible infertility in women’ at the International Congress on Infertility and Transvaginal Sonography, Mumbai, 1995.
- Cellular and immunological alterations in threatened abortion’ at the 26th convention of Indian College of Allergy and Applied Immunology, Varanasi, Nov, 1992
Special Interests
- Minimally Access Gynecology surgery - Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy & Robotic surgery
- Non-descent vaginal hysterectomy.
- Uro-gynecology & Pelvic reconstructive surgeries
List of Treatments
- Reproduction Treatment
- Pcod Pcos Treatment
- Polycystic Ovary Treatment
- Amenorrhoea Treatment
- Treatment For Leucorrhea White Discharge
- Treatment For Pcod Pcos
- Treatment Of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Pcos
- Female Infertility Treatment
- Complicated Pregnancy Treatment
List of Conditions Treated
- Pre Menstrual Syndrome
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome In Adolescence
- pregnancy-and-heart-disease
- Premature Ovarian Failure
- Menses Disorder
- Menstrual Disorders In Adolescent Girls
- Menstrual Disorders Management
- Vaginal Infection
- Vaginal Yeast Infection
- Fanconi Renotubular Syndrome
- Diseases In Pregnancy
- Adenomyosis
- Endometriosis
- Read More
Client Reviews
Frequently Asked Questions
Where does Dr. Rooma Sinha practice?
Dr. Rooma Sinha is a practicing physician at Apollo Hospitals Jubilee Hills. This location offers comprehensive healthcare services and advanced medical expertise.
Why do patients visit Dr. Rooma Sinha?
Dr. Rooma Sinha is sought after for expertise in gynecological problems, infertility evaluation and treatment, and hysterectomy (abdominal/vaginal) procedures. For detailed information, please refer to her professional profile.
What do patients say about Dr. Rooma Sinha?
Dr. Rooma Sinha has received positive feedback from 50 patients, including 44 detailed testimonials. These reviews highlight her expertise in gynecology and obstetrics.
What are Dr. Rooma Sinha's medical qualifications?
Dr. Rooma Sinha holds an MBBS, MD in Obstetrics & Gynecology, a DNB in Obstetrics & Gynecology, a M.I.C.O.G, and a PGDMLS.
What is Dr. Rooma Sinha's area of specialization?
Dr. Rooma Sinha specializes in Laparoscopic Surgery (Obstetrics & Gynecology) and Gynecology.
What is Dr. Rooma Sinha's experience?
Dr. Rooma Sinha has 33 years of experience in gynecology and obstetrics.
Who is Dr. Rooma Sinha?
Dr. Rooma Sinha is a Gynecologist with 22 years of experience practicing Obstetrics and Gynecology at Apollo Hospital, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad. Her specializations include Obstetrics, Minimally Invasive Gynecology, and Robotic surgery. She practices at Apollo Cradle, Jubilee Hills. Dr. Sinha earned her MBBS and MD (Obstetrics & Gynecology) from Banaras Hindu University and a DNB (Obstetrics and Gynecology). She also holds a PGDMLS from Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences. She is a member of several prestigious medical associations, including the American Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons (AAGL), NESA, ACOG, FOGSI, IMA, and IMS. She also specializes in urogynecology, treating urinary incontinence and prolapse, and is a member of the IUGA.